Monday, May 06, 2002

Well..this is my first entry. Hm..what do i say? well i guess im just going to splurge whatever is on my mind.
This template i used is ugly...but its green, and green is my favorite guess ill stick with it. Damn, i know theres gonna be a shit load of typo's in here, owell...i dont really feel like going through a stupid grammar check, you should understand what im talking about anyways. So today i found out that this house we (my future roomies and i) want has been reduced by $100. It isn't a lot when you split it into four people, but wutever, it just seems cheaper...and well im asian...and im cheap~! har har har. (all u asians know its true! ur stingy like theres no other! admit it! haha) well eyes are burning...but i cant go to sleep yet cuz hai, who is behind playing Gauntlet Legends. He's trying to gain back our health on that game. Its really fun...i like it...but only when its me and him in the room..when other people are here, it gets distracting and annoying..and its just not so fun. hmph. Aycarumba (i wonder how u spell that....) im tired...but i dont want to go to sleep..especially since i dont think im going to class tomorrow. I really should, but i dont feel like it. hah! So anways...On friday i slipped in some mad ass mudd while trying to walk down a lil slope cuz i thought it would be faster to the parking lot from my dorm hall. Damn! i slipped...and my ass was full of this nasty mudd. Then i tried to get myself up after i fell...but i couldnt..and i fell AGAIN! it hurt. When i finally got looked like i took a mad ass shit in my pants. MAN IT WAS SO NASTY! :-( so sad. wutever, thats what i get for being a lazy ass...haha not mad or anything...just laughed it was funny. painful, but DEFINATELY funny. After i slipped, i went to my dorm to change..while changing i banged my head on my closet door-- THats hurt too! Then finally i went out to look at a house on the lake....AND THEN! to make things any worse...i get pulled over. WHY? because there have been recent burglaries in the neighborhood and the suspects where asian males...and of course...they suspect me because im carrying hai (my bf) and 3 other guys in the car who are asian. GREAT~ ! so anyways...he pulled us over, took me out to talk to me...searched the guys, made us sit on the curvb..then searched the car...found nothing..cop felt like a dumbass and let us go. sheesh! i was so mad..and scared too! man! ive never been pulled over!!!!! it was scary...i started crying.~ i hope i made the cop feel bad! BASTARD~ irvine cops man. And the thing tha makes it worse is~ well hai had a writing class he was late to since we got pulled over and a midterm right after...and we asked the cop for a note as proof in case he was late to his midterm...and the cop said "i dont think u need one. they should believe you, its irvine." MAN THAT MADE ME SO MAD!! but what can u do? u cant talk back to a cop. hmph. well weekend was much much better. saw spiderman...very GOOD! then went to universal studios...
This was all a very interesting weekend. FUn indeed! :-) ok..well im going.....hai's still playing games..haha and my roomie is sleeping...bYE!

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